Membership Information
Murray Grey Society Membership Fees
Annual Membership £40 no vat
All services are + Vat
Every female and bull that is transferred between members carries a £10 fee, this is paid for by the purchaser. This keeps the database up to date and allows registrations to go through smoothly.
Cow Inventory/Herd Return:
Every female two years old and over on the 1st June each year is charged at the rate of £10/female for the first 40 females and £5/female thereafter. This includes the registration of calves born that year. We encourage members to register all their calves as it gives a good indication of the fertility of the cow. It also helps with the Breedplan EBV’s. All calves should be registered by the 31st January following the year of birth. The society reserves the right to charge a late registration fee in certain circumstances.
All bulls used for pedigree breeding must have an DNA & Myostatin test before any progeny can be registered. The test can be done with either tail hair sample with a hair sample card (available from the society) or by using TSUs (Tissue Sampling Units) using an applicator to punch a very small hole in the ear. Some can be used as part of ear tagging. Cost of the test is £55/sample. All samples to be sent back to the society.
Breedplan – Performance recording:
Breedplan is free to paid up members. Everyone can do calving ease, 1.Unassisted 2.Easy pull 3.Hard pull 4.Surgical Assistance (Vet) 5.Malpresentation 6.Elective surgery. If you do AI then a services date will be required. If you have access to weigh scales, then weights can be added, it doesn’t matter when you do them, the program with sort them into the correct section. The more data that goes in the more accurate the EBV’s will be.
Murray Grey Year Letters:
A - 2013
B - 2014
C - 2015
D - 2016
E - 2017
F - 2018
G - 2019
H - 2020
J - 2021
K - 2022
L - 2023
M- 2024
N - 2025
P - 2026
Q - 2027
R - 2028
S - 2029
T – 2030
U – 2031
V - 2032
W - 2033
X - 2034
Y - 2035
Z – 2036